Meet the Hens

 Four Rhode Island Reds
My cousin helped me so much with this venture. In fact, it wouldn't have happened if she hadn't offered to "foster" our baby chicks at her house until we were able to bring them home. Her sons do a great job raising hens and other livestock, and we have learned a lot from them. We visited the chicks back in March.
My cousin's son showing my daughter the chick brooder.

My son having a blast, scaring the living daylights out of one of my cousin's hens.

While the chicks were growing up, we moving through the process of getting approved to have hens in the city limits of Knoxville. In March we began the paperwork process, which took us a little over 2 months. In the meantime, we were making decisions about what kind of coop to get, and then waiting for it to be built. We added the final touches to the coop the week our permit was approved, near the end of May.

We drove out to my cousin's once again, and collected our four Rhode Island Reds. By the time we got home, they all had names:  Ruby, Cookie, Annabelle, and Frieda.
They seem to be happy in their new home, and we look forward to watching them grow up. And of course, we can't wait until they lay their first eggs!